With a new semester comes new classes, new friends, and new resolutions of varying ambition levels. These aims tend to involve healthier habits, exercise endeavors, and strengthened study schedules, all in the hopes of realizing the best version of oneself. If we are willing put in the hard work towards constructing this ideal, should we not also be willing to stand by what we’ve built? After all, do we not consider ourselves persons wholly worth knowing?
Along these lines, should we not pursue only relationships that we foresee as worthwhile – gathering trustworthy friends and seeking a significant other who is truly significant? Through grade school, high school, and still now, we’ve tried our hands at various sports, activities, and other obligations. Inevitably, some were rejected, often because we found that they weren’t as interesting as we’d hoped, that we weren’t succeeding or progressing, or that they were just not worth our time. Every decision we make or commitment we assume requires a gift of self, whether or not we explicitly recognize the endowment of our time, talents, and energy.
Perhaps we should all make an effort this semester to analyze how we are giving of ourselves. Are our current engagements making the best use of our time? Are our relationships with organizations, coursework, peers, and loved ones challenging us to be better people or guiding us towards our idealized selves? If not, now is as good of a time as any to make some changes.